Sunday, January 31, 2010

what's in a name?

So...I changed the name of the blog:)

Is it a question of changing identities?
hm...not really
I was unhappy about the name from the very start.
I wanted it to contain the outside and the inside. the world in front of the lens, me behind the lens and the lens itself -and the whole that is more than the sum of its parts. I didn't want to pretend at revealing the "real" and "true"...I didn't even want to pretend at going for them. My photographs are my ways of placing a frame on what's in front, and placing what's in front within a frame...and adding a point of focus (more often than not) somewhere in there. And nothing more...nor less. Not pure idiosyncrasies...but then not much beyond either.
And for what I was aiming for, the previous name sounded way too pretentious.
Add to this the fact that I had misspelled "lens" (pointed out to me by a very dear friend who thought I had misspelled it on purpose as a clever joke of some kind...thank you phil for thinking me so deep:) well, the name just had to go.

So, here's a new one. Točka is Croatian for "point". Photographs (mine and everybody elses) seem to be...and be about: points!
Points in time. Points in space. Points of focus. Points of view. They bring up points. They make points. They prove points. Would it be too obvious to point to grain and pixels?
They also defy the "pointedness" of a moment - once made, they take up more space. They endure, they go on. A point becomes a line...that goes on until at a certain point, it stops. And we're back to the beginning. I now perfectly happy with the name?
Hm...not yet...but getting there
Is it then a question of a crisis of identity?
Well, in a way. If this means questioning and restating who one is and what one is trying to portray out...then most definitely! This seems like a somewhat permanent condition though. One that is not going anywhere anytime soon (at least not until life gives up on being fun). So, would I actually call it a "crisis"? Being a firm believer in the power of positive thinking: most definitely not! It's not a crisis of identity - it's just...its very nature.



  1. "[...] sometimes a detail attracts me. I sense, that its pure presence changes my view, that it is a new photography that I see, one that sticks out because it has a higher value for me. That 'detail' is what I call punctum (that which pierces me)." - Roland Barthes.

    Looking forward to more photos, greetings from Germany,


  2. :))))))))))) I forgot about that one...thank you johannes!
